Last week, the YouTuber, Ben Armstrong (a.k.a BitBoy Crypto), filed a lawsuit against another popular YouTuber, Erling Menghsoel Jr. (a.k.a. Atozy), accusing him of defamation. Now, BitBoy is dropping charges.

To remind the readers, Atozy has condemned BitBoy’s paid promotion of certain crypto products and services, that have tanked after his praises. BitBoy has a reputation as an influencer whose followers value(d) his advice.

Since the lawsuit was filed, Atozy has raised some $200,000 from donations to help pay legal bills. Apart from a lucrative GoFundMe campaign, a prominent crypto Twitter poster, Jordan Fish, assisted with $100,100 worth of USDC. Atozy will be returning all the donations as soon as the lawsuit is officially dropped.

As for the reason why it was actually dropped, it’s that BitBoy never expected it to go public. He wasn’t aware that all federal suits are public record.


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