Crypto Code review

Top reasons why its a SCAM

Several sites
Lack of a single original brand website
Fake address and reviews
The lack of a real address and fake bot reviews
Mistakes on site
The site features a bunch of semantical and technical mistakes
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How to Use Crypto Code – Full Review: Is It Wise to Invest with This Bot?

Crypto Code - Full Review

If you know what you are doing, it’s generally wiser to invest your money rather than spend it. There are several potentially lucrative possibilities to have in mind when investing: Forex trading, stock exchanges, and in recent times – cryptocurrency.

Crypto trading markets are currently experiencing substantial growth and are trending. And when it comes to making a profit with crypto, most people turn to crypto mining or trading.

Of course, it didn’t take long for someone to seize the chance to make a profit by inventing crypto bots to assist users when trading. In essence, such bots function by automating some of the user’s trading activities, while not requiring much attention from the user.

Unfortunately, as you will find out in this Crypto Code review, there are at least two scammy crypto trading bots for each legitimate one on the market today. The truth is, Crypto Code is nothing more than a shameless scam. The con artists rely on excellent surface design and manipulative language, but that wasn’t enough to fool TradeCrypto. Here’s what we’ve unearthed.

Multiple Crypto Code Websites

As a rule, this kind of scammy ‘product’ most often features more than one official website. We weren’t surprised at all to learn that Crypto Code is no exception.

similar website copy
cryptocode pro frontpage
crypto code app frontpage

What did surprise us is that there aren’t even more such Crypto Code websites, but it seems all the internet addresses with the words ‘crypto’ and ‘code’ are already in use.

Crypto Code Is Associated with Investors Corp

What’s even more interesting is that one of Crypto Code official websites actually belongs to Investors Corp. You can see in the image below that Crypto Code is just a subdomain, not the main domain.

similar website copy

In the same way, Investors Corp is connected to known scams such as Ethereum Code, Cryptosoft, Yuan Pay Group, and Crypto Cash. And when we investigate their websites in terms of design, we find quite an unusual resemblance to Crypto Code. 

similar website copy
similar website copy
similar website copy
similar website copy

Upon trying to access the main domain – Investors Corp website, we got an error message saying that we weren’t allowed to do so. In other words, that section of the website is off-limits to everyone except those with clearance.

closed 403 error website

Thanks to this piece of info, we know two things for sure. First of all, something strange is obviously going on. When a company offers a variety of products or services, it’s not unusual for its websites to have subdomains. Especially so if the company is targeting different demographics.

However, even in those cases, the main website is always available for everyone to browse. You can find essential info about the company itself and its brand, its employees, the company’s overall plan for the future, etc. But it’s not like that with Investors Corp at all.

Secondly, it’s the same scammers behind various frauds, operating under different names. Luckily, exposing them isn’t too difficult as they tend to group the various scammy bots together in one place.

So Many Mistakes

As expected, with this many scams going on, there comes a time when the con artists can no longer be as cautious as when running fewer scams. And that’s when they begin to make mistakes, allowing us to reveal them for what they are.

These mistakes go so far that the scammers seem to forget the name of the bots. On some Crypto Code websites, they used the exact same design, but have occasionally neglected to change the bot’s name. Sloppy.

Error in the FAQ section
Wrong brand mentioned in the layout

Can You Download a Crypto Code Mobile App Or Not?

Crypto Code Mobile App

We found info on one of the websites claiming that there’s also a Crypto Code mobile app. But when searching for it on Google Play Store, we couldn’t find anything.

concerning claims

This brings about quite a few causes for concern. First of all, there’s quality control in place at Google Store. Whenever malware is detected, the store warns users about this.

What’s more important, however, is that user phones store access and otherwise private data, the most precious of it being banking information. 

When you download applications from unverified sources, all that data is compromised. This makes it possible for fraudulent apps, such as Crypto Code, to steal your data.

Therefore, in order to stay on the safe side, we suggest our readers should avoid downloading apps from untrusted sources at all times.

Do Real Crypto Code Users Even Exist?

Are There Any Real Crypto Code Users

Investigating user testimonials posted on Crypto Code websites is actually kind of entertaining. With over-the-top praise and lovely pictures, the testimonials seem quite fake – because they are.

fake reviews

As you know, you can nowadays buy pretty much anything on the internet (maybe even love). And stock images are no different; it’s not unusual for people to purchase such images to give their websites a more professional aura.

Or, in this case, to scam customers with false testimonials.

fake profile picture
fake profile picture
fake profile picture
fake profile picture

No Physical Address

Most serious businesses will have a physical address written in the footer of the website(s). If not that, there’s at least some means of contacting them provided, for instance, in the ‘Contact Us’ section.

As expected, there’s none of that on these websites. There are even no links to social media pages or accounts. 

This is when we decided to direct our investigation to other places. When looking at the Crypto Code official page on Trustpilot, we did manage to find the company address.

Trustpilot fake address

Of course, we checked this address in the UK government database. And guess what we’ve found? There isn’t a single company that’s registered there!

One more piece of proof that Crypto Code isn’t what they claim it is.

Inauthentic User Reviews on Trustpilot

While examining the mentioned Trustpilot page, we took a look at the overall score and also checked the user reviews. Needless to say at this point, it turned out they’re mostly fake.

The con artists seem to have quite a few bot accounts utilized to make them appear more credible on Trustpilot. It’s true that we didn’t find any negative reviews there, but the positive ones ultimately don’t give out a positive impression.

To begin with, most of these reviews are marked by Trustpilot as ‘Invited’.

fake review

What this means is that they were solicited by the scammers or, in other words, these reviewers were invited by the scammers to post the reviews. Trustpilot cares about having an organic review system, and this transparency shows it.

fake review

Final Verdict: Steer Clear of This Fraud

Crypto Code Scam

Throughout the research process, we’ve managed to find more than enough proof showing that Crypto Code is indeed a scam. We’ve also shown that Crypto Code is closely connected to other known trading bot scams, as they share the same creators. In short, don’t invest with them.

A word of caution to readers. Namely, before investing in any trading bot – do proper research! There are many scams at the moment. Not only will you not earn any money with them, but you’ll actually lose your money instead.

The best course of action is to invest time in learning about the crypto industry before beginning your search for a trading bot.

Do you want to know how to unveil scam bots? Check out our other scam bot reviews, of Bitcoin Superstar and Bitcoin Champion, to see more examples of scam schemes!


  • Nina Petrov is a theoretical mathematician, passionate about new trends in the global economy and blockchain technology. She is a devoted content creator and editor, crypto-enthusiast and stock market analyst.

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